Monday, April 29, 2013

So "Boxer" might be "April" and where is her mommy?

So to finish about Boxer and his mom and uncles. "Boxer" was born in this box. It's a box I gave them in the beginning of the winter to huddle together in. Now that spring is almost here, his mommy gave birth to him in here. You can see he was just born. I think I heard and found him maybe hours after his mom gave birth. The blood looked fresh and there was some fresh blood on the path. So I was excited but worried about her being so young (10-11 months old herself and small for her age) and that she only had one kitten so it might be more demanding. 

After hours of searching for her and the baby one night after a heavy rain and noticing she had moved him from the box my husband and I found him in a dirty hole under the building. She must have stuck him there. She kept checking on him, but it didn't look safe and he wasn't moving or making too much noise. After a call to the vet and much deliberation over what would be best for us all (little mommy, baby and us) our vet said his chances are very good if bottle fed and so we decided to take him in. He is bottle fed baby number 2! (Homer was number 1). 
I gave "little mommy" extra tuna for the next week and she didn't seem stressed or even to notice that anything was different in the following days. She might not have understood where the little guy had come from in the first place! 


 Cute when sleeping! 

Learning to walk! 

Napping on a mouse I crocheted. 

The rest of the family checking him out. 

Well...  as of today we went back to the vet (4 weeks) and had Boxer's claws cut (I can't do it alone and Jay is in Chile on business) and they informed me that "Boxer" might be a girl! 
So Boxer would be "April" since we picked her up on April 1, 2013. 

But also, I was out to feed his family, I mean her family last night when I heard some cat screaming and climbed over a fence (at 24 weeks pregnant no less) to get to where I heard it and I called to the cats. Then I saw his I mean "her" mommy, small and white and sweet, jump out of a bush with a gray, tabby Tom right on her heels. 
Luckily they went in different directions but I haven't seen "Little Mommy" since and I am worried that she might stay away out of fear or be hurt. 

I know I might also be exaggerating and that they often come and go and hide, but if it goes more then a few days, I WILL begin to worry. "Little Mommy" is a morning breakfast customer in rain or snow or shine, even if one of the brothers aren't there, she is. Speaking of rain, there was quite a lot of it this morning. I saw "Little Mommy's" "Mommy" this morning where she used to always eat by this one wall and she was drenched! Maybe "Little Mommy" just stayed wherever she slept to keep dry? It was clear and sunny by noon.

I hope I see her in the morning! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A new baby! Just two Weeks old!

I will post more later, but "Boxer" is here. Since I am living in South Korea right now, I'm going to post more later after all this has settled over the weekend. 

So here is Boxer! 

Boxer came to us after much deliberation.

 I have been taking care of a family of cats since last July. I had noticed a mother near our apartment nursing 5 babies outside a nearby apartment. They were too young to take away from her but as soon as they grew some, they were too afraid of me.  After a month or so there were only 3 babies. I walked past the place they lived everyday under an overhang of an apartment. So from last July until this very day I have been feeding them. The mom has moved on and I still feed her closer to my building. The 3 litter mates come to me when I click my tongue and meet me at 7:30 every morning when I am walking past to go to work. They love their big breakfast. There is an all black male, a beautiful tabby (I think male) and a sweet, petite, white and tabby girl. 

Here is Tabby on the path I walk next to the building he lives under.

Little mommy looking at me through the trees.  


Little Mommy (Boxer's mom) eating cat food. 

 Blacky, walking in the snow. He reminds me so much of Zero and they were about the same age. Blacky has so much personality and makes me laugh. He runs so fast when I call to him and comes right up to my hand to eat, though he would hiss and scratch if I tried to touch him. 

Tabby, hanging out after eating out of the dish of food I give him everyday. 
I hate to see them in the winter, but these 3 siblings stuck it out together and never left each other. They are almost 1 year old and still spend all their time together. It's a strong bond I haven't seen with cats on the street. 

More to come....