Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I think he is tired..

We are going to take him to the vet tonight, unless he suddenly stands up and meows he's not ready  but he can't stand up at this point, and he is starting to express discomfort in being gently picked up or moved.

Zero, I have loved being your mom and was blessed to have you in my life!

For now, let's sit a while longer, you on my chest and across my shoulder.. I think we both like this.


  1. Oh Katey, this is the hardest part and grown women do cry, that's OK. I was listening to a radio prog. about bereavement and they said that grief was the price we pay for loving. It's a high price, but it shows we're alive. Bless you and bless little Zero. His life with you has been good, now you have the chance to show the final compassion. Thinking of you both.

  2. Thanks, Julie. I was so tired last night, by the time my husband came home from work Zero and I were pretty much sleeping. So we are going tonight. It is hard, but I don't want him to die of starvation or any other painful death. He hasn't had any food in 2 days now. Today, he didn't move at all. I will update tomorrow!

  3. You have made the right choice at the right time I think. Zero has had a good life, it's quality that counts not quantity, every good experience he's had with you and the other cats in the household is important, hold on to that as his soul slips away.
