The stories of some rescued kittens, who happened to be missing some eyes and the rescued kittens that came before and after them.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
So many kittens.. It's kitten season
I guess I can go back to May and Marco.
Well, May and Marco, as hard as I tried, just didn't like us. Or our home. Or our cats. They never lost their wild fear and panic of anything human as much as I tried.
They were just too old when I caught them it seems or possibly, as my vet suggested, they have a genetic disposition for being wild.
We had them both fixed (trapping them was terrifying in order to get them to the vet) and thought the best option for them was to re-release them where we picked them up. Any shelter would have put them down within 10 days for lack of adoptability and being too feral. I hate that I was unable to successfully socialize them but then once I came to my final decision, I was glad that they hadn't lost their wild instincts.
So after having them fixed we caught them both back into our cat carrier (which was difficult and terrifying, if I hadn't mentioned that yet) and took them outside. We went to the bushes where they had lived as kittens and where we caught them. We put down the carrier and waited a few minutes for them to smell their surroundings and get their bearings.
May was right at the door and shot out like a rocket once it was unzipped. I watched her run along the bushes and then across the small parking lot towards the other bushes in front of our apartment. I tried to keep her in my sights but to no avail.
Jaywon was watching as Marco slowly walked out went under the building and then back into the bushes where we fed them when they were kittens.
I saw them two nights later and every night for the week or so after that, May following her mom around the parking lot, hopping from rock to rock she seemed very happy. I have been feeding them and I continue to put food out for them, seeing them now every few days. I know they found each other and since they are both fixed, they should stay together, hopefully for the remainder of their lives. Not a success, but the best possible outcome given the circumstances.
Just before letting May and Marco out, their mom (who I know had given birth a few weeks earlier) came to me for food one afternoon and while she was eating I peeked in the same bushes where Marco and May used to spend time with her. I spotted a white kitten, then two. Probably about 3-4 weeks old. I instantly called Jay to see what his reaction would be. He was encouraging me to get them if I could, so, it began again.
I went up to get the cat carrier and a towel and when I came back I found not two but four kittens. I was able to grab them all quickly and easily, putting them in the carrier and rushing them upstairs to a box with a towel. Luckily they were at that perfect age where they, if necessary, could begin eating wet kitten food. They sucked it for the first few days, getting covered in their food from face to chest to stomach. For a week at least, they all smelled like tuna until they learned to eat without being so messy.
Did I mention Mr. Peaches? There was also a week of a very wonderful man (young cat, 8 months?) who came up to my husband outside and laid at his feet. Mr. Peaches went to a wonderful family who was so excited to adopt him after just one week in our home.
Then there was June. At the beginning of June my husband was again on his way to work and heard a horrible crying. He found this kitten in the drizzling rain, alone and heaving with sobs. As other commuters walked by my husband leaned down and picked this baby up. He used a half day of work that day to stay with the kitten until I came home from work and met at the vet when they opened. Jun was so sick and weak, he lived just a few days and died at the vet two days later. At least he had some comfort and love before he passed on.
And I guess that brings us up to present. A house of 6 cats/kittens. Some pending adoptions and a new kitten in the back room.
I get to that next time. Photos to come.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
An update soon to come...
But since I have little time right now I will just add that another cat has found us. He walked up to my husband on Friday morning on his way to work and laid down on my husband's feet.
He is so sweet we had to bring him in.
His name is Mr. Peaches. He is a "peach" as far as attitude and he is fluffy and the colour of a peach.
More to come soon!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
April's last day

Friday, May 17, 2013
One more week with April!
April will be moving in with her new mommy next week! It's going to make the house feel very empty again, but allow us to open up our house to other rescues. April's grandmother (Little mommy's mommy) had a litter about the same time and has two tabby's we just found last week that are about the same size as April and tabby striped the same way, but a bit more brown than gray.
They have come to our doorstep almost with their mom and haven't shown too much fear. The mom will actually close her eyes and nap as I sit in front of her kittens while they eat.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Little Mommy is home safe and April is amazing!
April is just adorable. She is finally eating wet food and hasn't had a bottle in a few days. She doesn't seem to miss it at all! Also, I feel like she has to eat less frequently now that she is eating solid foods.
April is so funny when she is tired she just walks herself, her tiny, tiny self, over to her bed and takes a nap. Then when she is done she stumbles out on her own, eyes squinted from sleep and walks quietly into the living room.
April is still to small to get up or down from the bed or couch but loves being picked up and played with. She likes to spend hours a day playing now, with us, alone, or with Gorri or Biya. Gorri is a good big brother. Biya could care less about the little girl right now though I see her give April a lick from time to time.
Monday, April 29, 2013
So "Boxer" might be "April" and where is her mommy?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
A new baby! Just two Weeks old!
Friday, March 15, 2013
It's been a while
I worry that if I don't have patience and wait for my husband to make the time to safely move the photo files (I think there were over 4,000 images to be preserved and emancipated) and I try myself, I might just do the wrong thing and loose all of the photos I still have stored on that dinosaur of a laptop.
Once this is completed, and I promise it will happen by mid-April, I will begin the reminiscent journey through kitty rescue tales.
One other thing I suspect may happen soon (or by mid-summer) is the rescuing of some new friends. Every female cat that I take care of outside in our neighborhood is bloated with babies right now. It's almost spring, the weather is a bit kinder and they are all outside during the day sunning themselves, belly's out and I know, after the first month or so that they will keep the babies safely hidden from humans, those babies will begin to let themselves be seen. I think this might be a very large kitten season, I know of at least 5 pregnant moms out there and I know there are more in our neighborhood alone. That makes for at least 10-20 kittens by summer! We might be able to help out and home one or two, if they let us.
Till next time, I will continue to grow our own baby while the cats outside are growing theirs!
(Oh my if you could only hear my boy cat snoring right now!! He could wake a sleeping bear with that racket!)
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Meet the kitties...
While I have some extra time freed up since the "lap occupation" of Zero I am going to begin to take a look back at all of the kitties that we have had the pleasure of meeting and rescuing.
There stories are all so different, and each one was so special.
I will begin by first, making a list of the kitties, so I don't forget anyone.
Let's see, I think it began in 2009? Must have been in late winter/early spring.
The first two kitties came from a shelter. We couldn't bear to leave them there.
Teddy (a fluffy little boy) and Kara (looked like she was wearing mascara).
Then.. Teddy we don't know what happened to him, he escaped from his foster home.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Later that night...
Zero's last two days...
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
I think he is tired..
We are going to take him to the vet tonight, unless he suddenly stands up and meows he's not ready but he can't stand up at this point, and he is starting to express discomfort in being gently picked up or moved.
Zero, I have loved being your mom and was blessed to have you in my life!
For now, let's sit a while longer, you on my chest and across my shoulder.. I think we both like this.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Zero's long road...
May be coming to an end. I have spent the last 3 days carrying him from room to room in the house, from litter box to bed. I have also spent the last 3 days washing sheets and towels and blankets because Zero has lost control of his bladder.
Since last night, when I pick him up, he cries a little, as if it hurts. I don't want him to suffer, and he is starting to look tired and deflated.
To be continued..
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Well it's become apparent that Zero is having much more difficulty walking than he was a few days ago.
He's walking a few steps, stumbling, sitting down so that he doesn't have to stumble anymore and having a difficulty getting in and out of his litter box.
When I came home from dinner with a friend this evening there was some kitty urine in the area where he was under the blankets in his cave, ( I love that the in the past few days he brought back his little kitty cave).
I just helped him go to the litter box, carrying him to the litter box, putting him in and taking him out and when I put him down on the ground he had a hard time getting stable on his back legs.
Then he took a few steps, sort of fell over and then rolled on his back. He looked up at me with a look that said "I meant to do that".
He still purrs every time I give him a little kisses on his head and on his body so I don't know when it will be the right time to let him go.
I don't I know if he is in any pain and I really hope that he isn't, but I also don't want his life to become too stressful for uncomfortable.
We are so lucky to have had such a long time with Zero since finding out about his FIP. I have to appreciate that and know that I have appreciated every day with him.
Paws crossed for Zero!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Update on Zero
Zero is as lovely and loving as ever, but his legs are still wobbling and may be slowly worsening.
Today, I noticed he is getting a white spot in his fur... It's cute!
I need to update these posts with more photos plus I have photos of January from the night before he passed.
Tomorrow, I'll be doing that.