Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas ornaments

So Jay thought of an idea. We take a photograph that we have of each cat we've rescued and put it ion an ornament. Hang them on our tree forever! I love it!

I'd love this if it were a photograph somehow. 

These are some ideas that I've had but am not sure how to implement either. If I could print photos onto super thin paper I could apply them to bulbs using some sort of paper mache.

Maybe I will knit some bulbs and use a mini frame, then apply it to the knitted ball.

Cats love yarn!


  1. What a wonderful, positive thing to do. Then you'll really appreciate the difference you've made and the difference each and every cat has made in your life. You'll never forget them and each year will be a special time to remember everyone.
    BTW - chronologically backwards, but I only get on the internet every few days - too many animals and winter weather takes up too much time - Fantastic that little Hana has her forever home with people who are committed to her. I've read about a charity that rescues dogs (& some cats) in Afghanistan & Iraq re-homing with US military personnel but the UK military won't let soldiers take their pets home (shame on them).

    I know I'm not your only reader but maybe one of the few daft enough to rescue animals as you do.
    I work in a school and every year the author Chris d'Lacy visits to talk to our Year 7 students (11-12 years old). He wrote a book called "Fly Cherokee, Fly" about a boy who adopts a racing pigeon with a broken wing, inspired by his own adoption of a feral pigeon with a broken wing. When my boys were little they listened to the story and the rest is history and nearly 60 pigeons, 6 of whom are in my office as I write. Chris told me one year that I must get round to writing a book about my birds etc and one day I promise I will. Your blog is a permanent testament to your cats and books can be inspired by blogs.

  2. Julie you're speaking my language. I also work in the education arena and am a dreamer of stories and writing books. I think one day, (when I have time) I will get a book together of all of our rescues. I have mentioned it to a few adopters and they were more than willing to add a bit about their new life with the cats.
    I love hearing about your rescues. I can picture pigeons in an office as you are writing. Classic!
    I found a wounded pigeon (looked like a street cat had got it) that had the top of his head pretty much sliced off and was bleeding down his head with a crooked beak. I spent a day pouring water into his maladjusted beak, but when I arrived home from work the next day he was missing.
    I'll never know his fate but I felt so bad for that bird. I looked all over for any evidence of what might have happened.

  3. There's a lot of ways to do an ornament. Putting the picture on a round glass ball would definately be the hardest.

  4. Hi Katey, I also correspond with Dan "the Birdman of Longbeach", he's rescued over 3000 pigeons and when I have a sad case that doesn't make it he reminds me that we can't save every one but we just try our best. You didn't say if the pigeon was on your balcony and could have flown off. sometimes injuries look a lot worse than they are and sometimes, if he was caught again, maybe he wouldn't have made it. For future reference, treat any bird with cat or hawk injuries with antibiotic, Baytril. There's plenty of info on the web about syringe feeding birds. And bless you for caring about pigeons as well as cats, too many people don't see either of them.

    I wish I could work out how to post pics as I have pics of birds in the office as well as little Russet sitting on the sofa.
