Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A new member

Four cats five eyes has changed a bit. Not the title of the blog, because we should have changed that when Zero's eye arose from the dead. Technically there were four cats and six eyes in here. No, not the title, but the number of cats in the household. I knew four wouldn't last forever. It never does. We keep our two but have a revolving door, taking in those cats or kittens who ask for our help, and letting them go when we find the perfect match of family for them. We have been so fortunate to get to bottle feed and spend lots and lots of hours playing the games kittens like to play. Tears have been shed as I've watched kittens meet their new mommies and daddies, but they have all fallen past a smile as I was watching the kitten or cat start the next part of its life. I have been so lucky to stay in contact with almost all of the adopters and see updated photos. Thanks to all of them!

Well... a new kitten adventure begins. This time we heard the kitten calling us from our 13th floor apartment. She was half a block down the street, but above all the noise of outdoors and neighbors, we heard her screams. She screamed and kept us awake the whole first night as I can only assume a newborn baby can. I kept getting up to pick up her terrified, shaking body. She would hiss a bit and then shiver out of fear.
Where did her mommy go?
Why was she alone and trapped behind a brick wall crying her little kitty eyes out?
I don't know the answers to those questions, but I know that we heard her and we caught her. That means, in my cat book, it was meant to be. I have already spent at least 4 hours just sitting with her, talking sweetly to her and socializing her.

She has no name yet.

Can you help us think of one?



  2. Dixiedevil! I like that! I think you're right she does look a bit like a Mimi, all fluffed up and ready to go. I was also thinking about Callie, short for Calico, since she is a stunning Calico kitty. What do you think?
